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Community Rating: 2.221 / 5  (68 votes)
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More playable in Modern than Silverblade Paladin, for instance.
Posted By: Axelle (11/1/2012 11:11:21 PM)


B/R cycling creatures are also nice for the reanimation factor and the card draw factor in red, who traditionally has limited options for that.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/15/2013 10:32:45 AM)


"Most of the time you cycle this card; the price is very reasonable. But if you draw it late enough that you can pay for it and need the creature, you can play it. Flexibility. That is why you play this card. Now, it's still not fantastic, but people are looking at it way wrong. I give it a 3/5."

I challenge this. It's NOT that the statement is OBVIOUSLY wrong. In fact, it's the ''conventional wisdom'' to explain/defend most good cycling creatures. I challenge that it's correct to apply ''the conventional wisdom'' to EVERY card with a 'conventional' excuse though. Cycling is a FANTASTIC mechanic, PERIOD. But there ARE cards with cycling we shouldn't play. Which ones are they, and why?
Well, they all have mana costs, and they all have cycling costs- how could the statement NOT be true about all of them?

A quick Gatherer Search shows 54 total "Creatures with Cycling" in MAGIC.
Let's see if there's a way to break them down more easily.

There are 18 Non-Landcycling Creatures wi... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/31/2013 3:52:38 PM)


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