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Community Rating: 2.938 / 5  (89 votes)
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Much worse than Pristine Talisman. Costs 1 less, but doesn't provide mana, requires White, and is an enchantment rather than an artifact, although that last one is more of a difference rather than an advantage or disadvantage. Artifacts have more things that can be used for synergy, like metalcraft, affinity, and various combos, but there's also more removal out there for artifacts.

Of course, cards used specifically for llifegain are terrible in a competitive environment, so you shouldn't play this or Pristine Talisman in a tournament, but in a casual environment where combo decks don't have you on a short clock before they go off and control decks can't lock you out efficiently and aggro decks don't kill you in 4 turns, Pristine Talisman is actually a pretty fun card, because it both helps you ramp and gains you life, and it can fit in any colour deck unlike this card.
Posted By: Henrietta (6/8/2011 9:34:53 PM)


Lifegain is not powerful, it stinks. And this card is even one of the worst lifegain cards out there. Wouldn't even play it in limited.

@ coyotemoon722: It's bad beause:
- it doesn't help against combo decks or control decks. If you are milled, or your opponent comboes out, or your opponent counters your threats, then lifegain does nothing to help you. Or if you are pummeled by poison/infect creatures. Lifegain cards are then dead cards.
- it prolongs your defeat, but doesn't help you win. If your opponent is at 3 life, do you want lifegain or a lightning bolt? If your opponent has 3 or 4 cards left in the ilbrary, do you want to draw mill or lifegain? If mass removal killed all creatures, do you want creatures or lifegain? And so on and so on.

Lifegain would be good, if it wouldn't require you to invest cards and mana into it. And if it wouldn't be the case that about everything else would be better. Sure, there exist one or two cards that can in certain formats be powerful in matte... (see all)
Posted By: majinara (4/21/2011 7:59:43 AM)


Quick reality check people...Sun Droplet is rated 4.083. This is rated 2.538. With the exception of working in any color deck, this is BETTER than sun droplet as it doesn't require you to take a hit first.
Posted By: dgregory (7/15/2010 12:57:39 PM)


@ coyotemoon722:
Lifegain isn't bad, but this card surely is. Manlands can attack, can't be countered and survive mass removal or removal at sorcery speed. Day of Judgment grants card advantage/time advantage and has nothing to do with lifegain.

@ this card:
Well, it's the usual question of dealing damage vs. preventing damage. Lifegain is only a more permanent "prevention" bonus. Therefore, if a spell for cmc 1 can deal 3 damage to a player, a spell with the same mana cost should grant more than 3 lifepoints. The next step is to compare creatures vs. non-creature permanents. The difference shouldn't be quite high, more or less similar to an additional shroud on a creature.

Therefore, if you can have an unblockable 1/1 creature for cmc 2 and a Prodigal Pyromancer and a Honden of Infinite Rage for 3, I would definitely feel fine with a red enchantment for 1R that deals 1 damage to target player during your upkeep. Therefore - to make lifegain... (see all)
Posted By: Cheza (8/8/2010 4:14:06 AM)



Its a hard knock life being a planeswalker...
Posted By: roqbthepirate (7/9/2010 11:30:24 AM)


In a format where games often end by turn 5 or 6, this card will usually gain at most 4, maybe 5 life. Two mana and a card for 4-5 life isn't the best deal - especially considering you are choosing to cast this over a turn 2 drop like White Knight. If it activated at both upkeeps or acted like a Soul Warden or Soul's Attendant and was 1 mana it would be so much better.

Even in a slow game where life gain adds up, this will still struggle to make a significant impact in most games compared with other cards you could use.
Posted By: Temple_Garden (7/10/2010 12:11:25 PM)


Seems like a filler card, in both the set and in any deck that'd run it. Really just an ivory chalice/goblet or whatever without the ability to untap it for more. Not horrible, I can see it's uses, but there's definitely better.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (7/16/2010 9:44:56 PM)


I don't think this card is quite getting enough respect, I mean ok so you wouldn't play it everywhere, but its a better version of all those artifacts that only activate when the right color spell is cast and are awesome in duplicates. Not to mention it really puts a dampener on rdw. If you start off the game with leyline of vitality, then play a bird and this on turn 2, you're already on your way to gaining 3 life right at the beginning and then some. It's also survival cache's best friend.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (7/18/2010 11:17:50 PM)


I guess all of my Convalescences are worthless....
Posted By: UNBAN_SHAHRAZAD (7/29/2010 10:43:06 PM)


Fun card in a casual life gain deck.
Posted By: RichardJesperson (8/8/2010 6:20:44 AM)


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