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Community Rating: 4.132 / 5  (212 votes)
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Sadly, by making Nicol's planeswalker type 'Bolas', WotC have crushed any chance that his lesser-known cousin, Carl Bolas, may have had of becoming a 'walker. Poor Carl... no doubt that was part of Nicol's scheme all along...
Posted By: Ruaranicus (11/5/2013 11:18:02 AM)


The Ten Commandments of Nicol Bolas:

1) All your mana are belong to Bolas.
2) Bolas shall do whatever it is that Bolas desireth to do.
3) Those that fail to recognize the greatest power, Bolas, shall meet the Ultimatum of Cruelty.
4) Thou shalt please Bolas with the destruction of thine foes while Bolas uses you.
5) Thou shalt recruit those annihilated with Bolas into the Church of Bolas.
6) Thou shalt not have what Bolas does not wish for thou to possess.
7) Thou shalt own one or more Icy Manipulators and Analyze them Deeply.
8) The finest pawns have pawns of their own; thou shalt use small effigies of the exalted Bolas to commune messages to thine pawns.
9) Thou hungers for his command, and thou shall polish his Gems of Becoming for a taste of his power.
10)None shall stand against Bolas, for there exists no folly greater.
Posted By: EidolonDragon (12/10/2013 5:54:50 PM)


DarthParalax XD - that made me laugh so hard. Good job sir!
Posted By: Cloudchaser.Kestrel (7/7/2012 1:52:36 PM)


What I like most about M13 is that if you put all the really stupid stuff together, you get Nicol Bolas' Personal "I Hate you so Now You Die" Deck :)

4x Augur of Bolas to find the stuffs.
4x Gem of Becoming and 4x Gilded Lotus to play the rest of the stuffs.
4x Omnisciences to play the stuffs.
4x Diabolic Relevation to get the stuffs.
a Worldfire, a Liliana of the Dark Realms, a flock of Thundermaw Hellkites, and some other stuffs to KILL. THEM. ALL!!!!
I'm not sure how I'm going to follow up my last homage to MAGIC's Ultimate Dark Lord. Wait, that's a lie: >:D

EDIT: C1455 is quite correct. Voltaire is the artist who wrote the following song. However, what C1455 forgot to mention is that Voltaire is clearly a Slave of Bolas, so actually the song belongs to The Dragon. Everything Belongs to The Dragon.

(also it gives me an excu... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/12/2012 11:48:36 AM)


All Planeswalkers shall kneel before the omnipotent Lord Bolas.

If you would so foolishly choose not to, then your very existence is hereby forfeit, as Lord Bolas has no need for those who would defy his insurmountable might.

So make like Sarkhan the Mad and Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. Join the legions of Lord Bolas.
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (8/14/2012 12:55:01 PM)


The king of the planeswalkers, Nicol Bolas! This guy is nasty!
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/3/2012 10:02:25 PM)


yay six planeswalkers in one set!
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/5/2012 7:21:38 PM)


If Bolas ever officially dies (highly unlikely), I imagine the Intrepid Hero with a Storm Crow on his shoulder casually reclining against Nicol's forehead with a pipe in his hand and a dejected look on his face. It would be as if he had prematurely reached his final goal in life, and now he realized he'd have to find a new hobby.
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (10/24/2012 5:58:41 PM)


Why does this card exist?

- It was clearly not made for standard, the mana cost is absurd. elesh norn literally comes out a turn earlier and liliana of the veil already came out and poped her ultimate on turn 8. Also, last time i checked running 3 colors in standard has never been competitive, even with dual lands standard is too limited of a format to run such an unfocused deck realistically. Sure there are 3 color pod decks and gimmicks but nothing straightforward enough to use Nicol Bolas.

-In other formats the card is still crappy, he is turn 8 in vintage, and because of his type there are no ways to cheat him into play. Jace, the Mind Sculptor blows him out of the water and would be the infinitely even if you decide to run a deck that was r/b/u.

-In casual play, the card is degenerate to use, i understand the effect Wizards was going for, to make your opponent visibly sigh in agony when you play him, and unfortunat... (see all)
Posted By: PinkMage (7/11/2012 11:23:59 PM)


Questions: (1) What does -9 or -7 mean? (2) What does the 5 mean? Is that his power and toughness?
Posted By: Damn-Good (2/1/2013 1:24:59 PM)


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