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with the new zombies from innistrad it makes multiplayer mill soo much easier
Undead Alchemist and Xenograft naming allies
every time you mill a creature BANG he now mills for x+1 allies minimum three where x = the number of creatures you control (since they're all allies due to xenograft)

Posted By: ScoundrelLV (10/16/2011 12:29:42 AM)


If you were to have a Halimar excavator out in play with an Equilibrium
Would Summoning a new Halimar Excavator trigger them both if you activated the Equilibrium?
Would the Equilibrium and the triggering effect be on the same stack and cancel out the orginal excavators proc?
Posted By: CanCer (2/29/2012 12:44:38 PM)


One thing I always thought was that Innistrad was meant to be released right after Zendikar Block.
Just think of the mill synergies that were buried under, Mill was nearly getting its protagonism, and was almost being tournament viable. Wizards just got scared and took measures I guess, because it's just better to be pounded to oblivion by Titans or Buffed Lands.
Posted By: DavidLopes (3/14/2012 12:33:12 PM)


@CanCer: Equilibrium's ability would resolve before the second Excavator entered the battlefield. If you decided to return the first Excavator to your hand, then its ability would not trigger. Your opponent would only mill cards for the second Excavator.
Posted By: Bowshewicz (4/10/2012 10:36:53 AM)


In addition to the awesome mill ability and his interaction with other Allies, this guy is a 1/3 for 2 mana! Like Sea Gate Oracle, he has a nice ability for a common and can block some early threats.
Posted By: SirZapdos (6/13/2012 6:53:48 AM)


I hate this guy.

So much.

The worst part is no-one seems to want to go for the guy running an ally deck built around him. 'That guy has saprolings, he's much scarier!' 'He's not milling me, so when he mills that other guy he'll have run out of steam, so I can easily kill him!'

Eventually this guy WILL kill all of you. Every. Last. One.
Posted By: psychichobo (11/26/2012 4:30:08 PM)


Suppose you control n Allies, k of which are Halimar Excavators. Let m be the number of Allies you have entering the battlefield at a point in time, and suppose that, of those j of them are also Halimar Excavators. Your total number of Excavators is k + j. Multiply by the total number of Allies you control n + m. This is the total amount milled per Excavator, however, so you have to multiply by the number of triggers (the total number of allies coming into play), m. m*(k+j)*(n+m) is your mill.
Posted By: TokenAZN (3/7/2013 11:04:20 PM)



"Ally" isn't really a mechanic in the sense you're thinking of. It's a creature type. Treat it like you would any creature type. Just like how some cards say "do something to all goblins" this relies on creatures with the type "ally". If a creature isn't labelled as an "ally" in its types, it doesn't interact with this card.
Posted By: Antsache (2/27/2014 5:52:20 PM)


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