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Why are half the comments in all italics?
Posted By: gman92 (2/20/2012 7:38:11 AM)


I personally LOVE this guy in multiplayer. Ideally I play grave pact, before I drop him Play Thraximundar, and follow him up with a Fleshbag marauder, sacking itself. everyone else sacs two creatures and Thraximundar gets REALLY REALLY BIG!
Posted By: Antihero420 (7/3/2009 2:30:21 PM)


I just got this in a booster and am quite happy about it.
When he attacks, not only does your opponent lose a creature, but it pumps up Thrax!
Attack an opponent that has only one creature out -> they sacrifice it -> 7 damage
Posted By: InfernoTowel (6/23/2009 7:36:29 PM)


I don't see why anyone would be surprised at the Sphinx's mana cost being 8, because I would think that it would obviously be alot easier to use it with Master Transmuter. I'm not that big on black, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall something that get's a black creature out as easily as Master Transmuter can get Sphinx of the Steel Wind out. Oh, and to whoever was talking about using Thraximundar in 2 headed giant, there is always that little card called Terminate that i believe would take care of him instantly, I think.
Posted By: xXV4lkyr13Xx (6/8/2009 11:01:03 PM)


I don't like this card actually, its still 7 mana, but it has no evasion or shroud or anything. While I understand that clearly not all creatures can have shroud or flying or something, note that it says when thraximundar attacks.. well all that means is if I have a terminate in hand and he's played I terminate him on the spot before my opponent gets to use him. More over, I can always sacrifice tokens, or birds of paradise etc., at which point he's a high power haste creature. Flameblast dragon is also pretty similiar by comparison and one mana less with flying, and the x ability can hit players and planeswalkers. He's still a good creature, but 7 mana is to late in the game to be making a come back, you're either already ahead when you play him, or your not likely to be able to make a board advantage with just thraximundar, as any pacifism, crystallization, or other removal will take care of it completely. It's true though, if you play him and your opponent has no removal and do... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (11/10/2009 12:09:56 PM)


Not worth Mythic. Althought, mythic is said to be given to creatures with special, not necessarily powerful abilities. I still wish he'd be less expensiver or at least stronger.
Posted By: Aun (5/20/2010 6:04:40 PM)


Thraximundar is an awesome card, but pricey, I think if i was going to use that much mana i would use Phage the Untouchable , by the time you got that much mana up, you could have Endless Whispers out then attach Nettlevine Blight to Phage the Untouchable and its game over. but thats just me.
Posted By: Guest1077336039 (6/17/2009 4:18:12 AM)


In my zombie deck: 4 Diabolic Tutors, a Whispersilk Cloak (would like a couple more) and 1 Thraximundar. It's only been beaten once.
Posted By: Duddits (11/2/2009 6:46:32 PM)


Posted By: ROBRAM89 (4/24/2011 9:54:33 AM)


Using some intuitive facility with languages I picked up from studying how Tolkien invented Elvish, I'm going to guess the Grixis-Alaran Standard translation runs something like this:

har= he
arra= to paint *not a Grixis word, as they don't have art
rax= red
i= who
mund= world
dar= name ending (equivalent to 'er' in English or 'eur/euse' en Francais, perhaps)

Thar-arra-rax-i-mund-dar= Harraraximundar, which would have been necessarily shortened to Thraximundar for easier pronunciation. He who paints the Earth red.

That looks likely, but I confess that guessing which element is 'paint' and which is 'red' are significantly harder than suggesting probable answers to the rest of the translation, and my divisions of syllables could be off.

Finding the element corresponding to the verb 'to paint' was particularly difficult, and I settled on a word that sounded unlike the harsher language that would have produced 'thar' and 'rax'. 'Mund' and 'Arra' then, probably come fro... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (12/5/2011 9:22:18 AM)


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