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D'aww. So cute.

Not quite as cute as Brass Squire, I think. But still really cute. And actually pretty useful, too; flying and vigilance is a good combination, and to give that to any deck that wants it for 2 colorless is quite good. I'm glad they gave it a 2-butt, also.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (5/10/2011 11:04:26 AM)


@Splizer - asinine statement...
Posted By: Redeemer707 (5/16/2011 11:59:02 AM)


It s not overpowered, but many interested designs will become "strictly worse than Hovermyr"
Also, RIP, Stormcrow
Posted By: Mightyass (5/22/2011 12:20:17 PM)


So... My Myr tribal FINALLY got a flyer?
Posted By: WateryMind (6/3/2011 3:17:18 AM)


Will need four for my Myr collection regardless of playability. As it is, though, highly playable and highly awesome.

EDIT: The more I look at this card, the more I like it, which is saying a lot since I adored it as soon as I saw it. This guy is not only strictly better than Omega Myr, but he is also largely better than Alpha Myr, too, since Alpha is stuck fighting on the ground. No, he doesn't make mana, like some of his more popular cousins, but that isn't the point. He is the most combat-viable turn-two myr available short of any VERY lucky draw that somehow manages to power Myr Superion out.

This little dude is going right into my Myr Tribal deck in place of Alpha.

EDIT #2: Something interesting I have noticed since playtesting this guy: he is awesome. He fits perfectly into the curve in a Myr-themed deck. He hits the board early as a minor flying in the air or he can be tutored out with the mana from My... (see all)
Posted By: EvilCartographer (6/10/2011 7:19:38 AM)


What's the longest chain of strict upgrades you can construct with this guy?
Bird Maiden/Goblin Glider/Utvara Scalper < Hovermyr

Vodalian Soldiers < Storm Crow < Hovermyr
Sea Eagle < Storm Crow < Hovermyr
Moon Sprite < Willow Faerie < Hovermyr
Sea Eagle < Zephyr Falcon < Hovermyr
Squire < Omega Myr < Hovermyr

Squire < Armored Pegasus < Courier Hawk < Hovermyr
Royal Falcon < Armored Pegasus < Courier Hawk < Hovermyr
Royal Falcon < Skyshroud Falcon < Courier Hawk < Hovermyr
Posted By: HuntingDrake (6/15/2011 4:57:18 PM)


This pair of abilities is killer.
Get in evasion damage, and still be able to block anything that isn't unblockable?
I have him in my own version of Tempered Stell archetype, and often, when watching people play what's call the "Hawkward" deck, or a small deviation from it, I notice that they do not use him.
It might just be me, but I believe it's negligent to not run this guy in this archetype.
If you don't have room, find room. It's worth it.
Posted By: infernox10 (7/6/2011 1:52:04 AM)


Pretty good. Pump it up for a flying vigilant attacker, or use it as a chump blocker for angels and dragons and other flying deathtraps.
Posted By: scorpiolegend (7/11/2011 10:27:46 PM)


@Myr Battlecube.

But Hovermyrs not strictly better then squire because squire is white!! and Hovermyr can get hit by shatter!!! or plummet!!!

Hey if there hitting ur hovermyr with either of those your 2 DROP just more then payed for itself. and if they hit squire with a go for the throat then ur opponent has down syndrom.

Ya you can say, but squire can get pumped by a lord, or honor of the pure.. ect

But thats only in a very specific deck, and hovermyr can fit into ANY deck with LANDS.

SOOOO I see your definition, but it fails. In a contained instance, hovermyr is not strictly better then so and so. but all day long..... IT IS.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/7/2011 12:56:25 PM)


about time myr tribal got a solid flier, particularly good in constructed decks. Running it alongside Indomitable Archangel if your concerned about flying and artifact hate. While your at it, run Brass Squire, Puresteel Paladin, Etched Champion, and other solid equipment.
Posted By: FoxxyEDarko (10/25/2011 6:55:08 PM)


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