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Community Rating: 3.717 / 5  (122 votes)
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Odd. This was the only one not to get flavor text.
Posted By: EyeballFrog (10/31/2012 12:27:33 PM)


coolest burn spell ever!
Posted By: TheDragonPlainswalkr (4/13/2013 8:24:06 AM)


Those goblins are just havin' so much fun..

seriously good burn though... it has many names in... Bloodghast-B-Gone, Vengevine Victimizer....
Posted By: tcollins (4/24/2013 9:02:11 PM)


People need to understand that shuffling it back into your library is almost completely irrelevant, save for Blue Sun's Zenith. It doesn't net you any kind of advantage except for making it slightly more likely that you draw it instead of other cards, which might be useful for the phyrexian zeniths, but for the white and red zeniths, it's not so powerful that you're saying "I NEED TO ALWAYS HAVE 4 OF THIS CARD I CAN DRAW AT ALL TIMES".

Blue Sun's Zenith, however, is a key card for the decks that want it, and the decks that want it would love to just chain one after another. So there, the shuffling is relevant, given how many cards they'll go through, and that they'd love to repeatedly cast it.

So save for blue sun's zenith, the shuffle clause is only relevant in terms of making it more likely that you draw more of them, and adding one card to your library per resolution of these cards vs. mill (I mean, if you're really lucky, that might buy you like, 1 turn). Peo... (see all)
Posted By: CogMonocle (12/26/2013 12:21:46 PM)


Posted By: TheWallinator74 (1/9/2014 2:20:53 AM)


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