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Community Rating: 3.082 / 5  (91 votes)
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Hey its strong against counterspell decks if you can manage to cast it.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/6/2013 1:58:24 PM)


Once upon a time on Magic Online, this card would give Omen Machine's controller all of the exiled spells instead of the player who exiled it. It was hilariously broken. And probably unfun for everyone else.
Posted By: Kablooie (6/3/2014 3:49:38 AM)


So my opponent brings out Omen Machine and I understand it as meaning that it's now free to play any card I draw so long as I have the manna to play it already on the battlefield (and I am able to play it). I'm cool with this. My opponent understands it to mean that because Omen Machine makes it so you HAVE TO lay the card down, it is Omen Machine technically playing the card, and not me, I have not paid the manna cost so the card is simply tapped and un-usable to me, and any manna I lay down is like wise useless and I don't gain life from it with my artifact that would other wise have me gain life for this manna. ...how is this card understood?
Posted By: Ohkey (6/6/2014 2:45:20 PM)


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