Nulla Mi Può Fermare
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Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Nulla Mi Può Fermare
Intrigo In Corso
Card Text:
(Un intrigo in corso rimane a faccia in su finché non viene abbandonato.)
Se una fonte controllata da un avversario ti sta per infliggere danni, previeni 1 di quei danni.
All'inizio di ogni sottofase finale, se ti sono stati inflitti 5 o più danni in questo turno, abbandona questo intrigo.
Card Number:
6/15/2010 The prevention effect prevents 1 damage from each source an opponent controls each time that source would deal damage to you. It prevents damage of any kind, not just combat damage.
6/15/2010 The prevention effect doesn't affect damage dealt to a planeswalker you control (such as combat damage).
6/15/2010 The last ability won't trigger at all unless, as an end step starts, you have already been dealt 5 or more damage that turn. It doesn't matter whether any of it was combat damage or not, nor does it matter who controlled the sources of that damage. (In other words, it will count damage dealt to you by sources you control.)
6/15/2010 The effects from more than one of these schemes are cumulative.
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