기라푸르 천문관
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
기라푸르 천문관
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Card Text:
각 플레이어는 자신의 턴에 대지 한 개를 추가로 플레이할 수 있다.
각 플레이어의 유지단 시작에, 그 플레이어의 손에 카드가 한 장도 없다면, 그 플레이어는 카드 세 장을 뽑는다.
Flavor Text:
이 상세 모델을 통해 건축가들은 모든 각도에서 도시를 살펴 볼 수 있다.
All Sets:
Kaladesh (Rare)
Bloomburrow Commander (Rare)
Card Number:
9/20/2016 Ghirapur Orrery's first ability allows a player to play an additional land during their main phase. Doing so follows the normal timing rules for playing lands.
9/20/2016 Ghirapur Orrery's first ability is cumulative if more than one is on the battlefield.
9/20/2016 No player may take actions in a turn before Ghirapur Orrery's second ability checks to see if it should trigger. If the player whose turn it is has any cards in hand, it won't trigger.
9/20/2016 If the player has any cards in hand as Ghirapur Orrery's second ability resolves, the ability does nothing. Notably, a second Ghirapur Orrery won't have a player draw another three cards unless the player empties their hand after resolving the first one's trigger.
9/20/2016 The draw step is after the upkeep step, so drawing a card as a turn-based action won't affect whether Ghirapur Orrery's second ability triggers.
9/20/2016 In a Two-Headed Giant game, Ghirapur Orrery's second ability triggers for each player on a team separately. If one player has cards in hand, it can still trigger for the other player.
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