Восхождение Экстуса
Восхождение Экстуса
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Восхождение Экстуса
Mana Cost:
4White or BlackWhite or Black
Mana Value:
Card Text:
Изгоните целевое существо. Изгоните не более одной целевой карты мгновенного заклинания или волшебства из кладбища.
Выучите урок. (Вы можете показать принадлежащую вам карту Урока вне игры и положить ее в вашу руку, или вы можете сбросить карту, чтобы взять карту.)
Flavor Text:
Одним смертельным ударом Экстус взял под контроль Орик и сделал свой первый шаг к отмщению.
Card Number:
4/16/2021 If a card is brought into the game from outside the game, it will stay in the game until it ends or until its owner leaves the game, whichever comes first.
4/16/2021 If you bring a card into the game from outside the game in a Constructed tournament (or a Constructed game played under tournament conditions), you may select only a card from your sideboard. In casual Constructed games, the card comes from your collection.
4/16/2021 If you bring a card into the game from outside the game in a Sealed Deck or Booster Draft event, you may select only a card that is in the card pool that you built your deck from.
4/16/2021 If instructed to learn, you may do nothing. Discarding a card and putting a Lesson card into your hand are both optional.
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