Tana dell'Occhio Tiranno
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Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Tana dell'Occhio Tiranno
Card Text:
Se controlli altre due o più terre, la Tana dell'Occhio Tiranno entra nel campo di battaglia TAPpata.
Tap: Aggiungi Black.
3Black: Fino alla fine del turno, la Tana dell'Occhio Tiranno diventa una creatura Beholder 3/3 nera con minacciare e "Ogniqualvolta questa creatura attacca, esilia una carta bersaglio dal cimitero del giocatore in difesa". È ancora una terra.
Card Number:
7/23/2021 If Hive of the Eye Tyrant enters the battlefield at the same time as one or more other lands, it doesn't take those lands into consideration when determining how many other lands you control.
7/23/2021 If you turn Hive of the Eye Tyrant into a creature but haven't controlled it continuously since your most recent turn began, you won't be able to activate its mana ability or attack with it.
7/23/2021 If you activate Hive of the Eye Tyrant's last ability multiple times, it gains multiple instances of the triggered ability that exiles cards. For example, if you activate it twice and attack, you will choose two target cards to exile (or the same card twice, if you want to).
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