Stunde der Ewigkeit
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Stunde der Ewigkeit
Mana Cost:
Variable ColorlessVariable ColorlessBlueBlueBlue
Mana Value:
Card Text:
Schicke X Kreaturenkarten deiner Wahl aus deinem Friedhof ins Exil. Erzeuge für jede auf diese Weise ins Exil geschickte Karte einen Spielstein, der eine Kopie von ihr ist, außer dass er ein 4/4 schwarzer Zombie ist.
Flavor Text:
Als Verewigter zu dienen ist nicht die Belohnung, die sich die Ehrenhaften erwartet haben.
All Sets:
Hour of Devastation (Rare)
Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander (Rare)
Card Number:
7/14/2017 Each token copies exactly what was printed on the original card and nothing else, except the characteristics it specifically modifies. It doesn't copy any information about the object the card was before it was put into your graveyard.
7/14/2017 The tokens are Zombies instead of their other types (unlike Zombies created by an eternalize ability) and are black instead of their other colors. Their power and toughness are 4/4. These are copiable values of the tokens that other effects may copy.
7/14/2017 Unlike the tokens created by an eternalize ability, the tokens have the mana cost and thus mana value of the cards they're copying.
7/14/2017 If a card copied by one of the tokens had any "when [this permanent] enters the battlefield" abilities, then the token also has those abilities and will trigger them when it's created. Similarly, any "as [this permanent] enters the battlefield" or "[this permanent] enters the battlefield with" abilities that the token has copied will also work.
1/19/2018 There are many important moments in the story, but the most crucial—called "story spotlights"—are shown on cards. These cards have the Planeswalker symbol in their text box; this symbol has no effect on gameplay. You can read more about these events in the official Magic fiction at
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