Bell Borca, sergent spectral
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Bell Borca, sergent spectral
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Créature légendaire : - esprit et soldat
Card Text:
Notez la valeur de mana de chaque carte au moment où elle est mise en exil.
La force de Bell Borca, sergent spectral est égale au plus grand nombre noté pour elle ce tour-ci.
Au début de votre entretien, exilez la carte du dessus de votre bibliothèque. Vous pouvez jouer cette carte ce tour-ci.
* / 5
All Sets:
Commander Legends (Rare)
Dominaria United Commander (Rare)
Card Number:
11/10/2020 Bell Borca notes mana values only if it's on the battlefield as a card is put into exile.
11/10/2020 Look at the card in exile, not its previous zone, to determine its mana value.
11/10/2020 If a card in exile has Variable Colorless in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0.
11/10/2020 While not on the battlefield, and before any cards are noted for it each turn, Bell Borca's power is 0.
11/10/2020 You must follow the normal timing permissions and restrictions for the card exiled by Bell Borca's last ability. If it's a land, you can't play it unless you have land plays available.
11/10/2020 You'll still pay all costs for a spell cast this way, including additional costs. You may also pay alternative costs if any are available.
11/10/2020 If you don't play the exiled card, it remains exiled.
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