Купе Контрабандиста
Купе Контрабандиста
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Купе Контрабандиста
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Артефакт — Машина
Card Text:
Укрытие 4 (Когда этот артефакт выходит на поле битвы, посмотрите четыре верхние карты вашей библиотеки, изгоните одну рубашкой вверх, затем положите остальные в низ библиотеки в случайном порядке.)
Каждый раз, когда Купе Контрабандиста наносит боевые повреждения игроку, вы можете разыграть изгнанную карту без уплаты ее мана-стоимости. Если вы это делаете, верните Купе Контрабандиста в руку его владельца.
Экипаж 2
5 / 5
Card Number:
4/29/2022 "Hideaway N" means "When this permanent enters the battlefield, look at the top N cards of your library. Exile one of them face down and put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. The exiled card gains 'The player who controls the permanent that exiled this card may look at this card in the exile zone.'"
4/29/2022 Any player who has controlled a permanent with a hideaway ability since a card was exiled with it may look at that card.
4/29/2022 Previously, permanents with hideaway entered the battlefield tapped. This ability has been removed from the definition of hideaway. Older cards have received errata to have an additional paragraph that reads "[This permanent] enters the battlefield tapped," and they now have hideaway 4.
4/29/2022 Hideaway now causes you to put the rest of the cards on the bottom of your library in a random order instead of any order.
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