고아수호자, 카히라
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
고아수호자, 카히라
Mana Cost:
1Green or WhiteGreen or White
Mana Value:
전설적 생물 — 고양이 야수
Card Text:
단짝 — 당신의 시작 덱에 들어 있는 각 생물 카드는 고양이, 정령, 나이트메어, 공룡, 또는 야수 카드이다. (이 카드가 당신이 선택한 단짝이라면, 당신은 집중마법 시기에 3을 지불하고 게임 밖에서 이 카드를 당신의 손으로 가져갈 수 있다.)
당신이 조종하는 다른 생물들 중 고양이, 정령, 나이트메어, 공룡, 또는 야수인 생물들은 +1/+1을 받고 경계를 가진다.
3 / 2
All Sets:
Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths (Rare)
March of the Machine Multiverse Legends (Rare)
Card Number:
6/1/2020 If you reveal a companion outside the game, for as long as it remains there, you may pay 3 any time you could cast a sorcery (that is, you have priority during your main phase and the stack is empty). Once you do, you put it into your hand and behaves like any other card you've brought into the game. For example, if it's discarded, countered, or destroyed, it's put into your graveyard, remaining in the game. This is a change from previous rules.
6/1/2020 Paying 3 to put your companion into your hand is a special action. It doesn't use the stack and players can't respond to it. Once you take this action, you may cast that card if it's legal to do so before any other player can take actions.
4/17/2020 Creature cards in your deck may be a mix of the five creature types that Kaheera cares about. They may also have additional types, as long as each creature card is at least one of those five. Noncreature cards may have any subtypes.
4/17/2020 A creature that's more than one of the five types gets +1/+1 only once from Kaheera's last ability.
4/17/2020 Your companion begins the game outside the game. In tournament play, this means your sideboard. In casual play, it's simply a card you own that's not in your starting deck.
4/17/2020 Before shuffling your deck to become your library, you may reveal one card from outside the game to be your companion if your starting deck meets the requirements of the companion ability. You can't reveal more than one. It remains revealed outside the game as the game begins.
4/17/2020 The requirements of the companion ability apply only to your starting deck. They do not apply to your sideboard.
4/17/2020 If more than one player wishes to reveal a companion, the starting player does so first, and players proceed in turn order. Once a player has chosen not to reveal a companion, that player can't change their mind.
4/17/2020 If you reveal a companion outside the game, for as long as it remains there, you may pay 3 any time you could cast a sorcery (that is, you have priority during your main phase and the stack is empty). Once you do, you put it into your hand and behaves like any other card you've brought into the game. For example, if it's discard, countered, or destroyed, it's put into your graveyard, remaining in the game. This is a change from previous rules.
4/17/2020 Paying 3 to put your companion into your hand is a special action. It doesn't use the stack and players can't respond to it. Once you take this action, you may cast that card if it's legal to do so before any other player can take actions.
4/17/2020 The companion's other abilities apply only if the creature is on the battlefield. They have no effect while the companion is outside the game.
4/17/2020 The companion ability has no effect if the card is in your starting deck and creates no restriction on putting a card with a companion ability into your starting deck. For example, Zirda may be in your starting deck even if your other permanent cards don't all have activated abilities.
4/17/2020 You may have one companion in the Commander variant. Your deck, including your commander, must meet its companion requirement. Your companion is not one of your one hundred cards.
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