El Gran Nido

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Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
El Gran Nido
Plano — Tarkir
Card Text:
Cuando camines por los planos hacia El Gran Nido y al principio de tu mantenimiento, fortalece 3. (Elige la criatura con menor resistencia entre las criaturas que controlas y pon tres contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)
Siempre que surja el caos, elige hasta una criatura objetivo que controlas y hasta una criatura objetivo que controla un oponente. Cada una de esas criaturas hace una cantidad de daño igual a su resistencia a la otra.
Card Number:
4/14/2023 Bolster itself doesn't target any creature, though some spells and abilities that bolster may have other effects that target creatures.
4/14/2023 You determine which creature to put counter(s) on as the spell or ability that instructs you to bolster resolves. That could be the creature with the bolster ability, if it's still under your control and has the least toughness. If there's a tie, you choose which creature gets the counter(s).
4/14/2023 If you choose two target creatures for the chaos ability and either target is an illegal target as the ability tries to resolve, the ability won't resolve and none of its effects will happen. Neither creature will deal or be dealt damage.
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