Hof von Funkenhort
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Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Hof von Funkenhort
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Card Text:
Wenn der Hof von Funkenhort ins Spiel kommt, wirst du zum Monarchen.
Zu Beginn deines Versorgungssegments erzeugst du einen 3/1 roten Ritter-Kreaturenspielstein. Falls du dann der Monarch bist, fügt der Hof von Funkenhort jedem Gegner X Schadenspunkte zu, wobei X gleich der Anzahl an Kreaturen ist, die du kontrollierst.
Card Number:
9/1/2023 The game starts with no monarch. As a player becomes the monarch, the current monarch (if any) ceases being the monarch. There is never more than one monarch at a time.
9/1/2023 There are two inherent triggered abilities associated with being the monarch. These triggered abilities have no source and are controlled by the player who was the monarch at the time the abilities triggered. The full texts of these abilities are "At the beginning of the monarch's end step, that player draws a card" and "Whenever a creature deals combat damage to the monarch, its controller becomes the monarch."
9/1/2023 If the triggered ability that causes the monarch to draw a card goes on the stack and a different player becomes the monarch before that ability resolves, the first player will still draw the card.
9/1/2023 If the monarch leaves the game during another player's turn, that player becomes the monarch. If the monarch leaves the game during their turn, the next player in turn order becomes the monarch.
9/1/2023 If combat damage dealt to the monarch causes that player to lose the game, the triggered ability that causes the controller of the attacking creature to become the monarch doesn't resolve. In most cases, the controller of the attacking creature will still become the monarch as it is likely their turn.
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