Wächterin Sarah Lyons
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Wächterin Sarah Lyons
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Ritter
Card Text:
Solange in diesem Zug ein Artefakt unter deiner Kontrolle ins Spiel gekommen ist, erhalten Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, +2/+2.
Bataillon — Immer wenn Wächterin Sarah Lyons und mindestens zwei andere Kreaturen angreifen, fügt Wächterin Sarah Lyons einem Spieler deiner Wahl so viele Schadenspunkte zu, wie du Artefakte kontrollierst.
4 / 4
Card Number:
3/8/2024 Sentinel Sarah Lyons's second ability only cares if one or more artifacts entered the battlefield under your control this turn. Your creatures won't get more powerful if more than one artifact entered the battlefield under your control this turn.
3/8/2024 Once an artifact enters the battlefield under your control in a given turn, it doesn't matter what happens to it later. Creatures you control will still get +2/+2 that turn as long as Sentinel Sarah Lyons is on the battlefield under your control.
3/8/2024 Sentinel Sarah Lyons doesn't have to have been on the battlefield at the point in the turn where an artifact entered the battlefield under your control. If an artifact enters the battlefield under your control and then Sentinel Sarah Lyons enters the battlefield under your control later in that turn, creatures you control will still get +2/+2 that turn as long as Sentinel Sarah Lyons remains on the battlefield and under your control.
3/8/2024 The three attacking creatures don't have to be attacking the same player, planeswalker, or battle.
3/8/2024 Once Sentinel Sarah Lyons's battalion ability has triggered, it doesn't matter how many creatures are still attacking when that ability resolves. It also doesn't matter whether or not Sentinel Sarah Lyons is still attacking or on the battlefield.
3/8/2024 Use the number of artifacts you control at the time Sentinel Sarah Lyons's battalion ability resolves to determine how much damage to deal.
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