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Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
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Card Text:
5, Tap, このアーティファクトを生け贄に捧げる:あなたの墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とする。それを追放する。1/1であることと、他のタイプに加えてスピリットであることと、飛行を持つことを除きそのカードのコピーであるトークン1体を生成する。そのカードのパワーに等しいパワーとそのカードのタフネスに等しいタフネスを持つ黒のゾンビ・クリーチャー・トークン1体を生成する。
All Sets:
Eldritch Moon (Rare)
Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered (Uncommon)
Innistrad Remastered (Uncommon)
Card Number:
1/24/2025 If you copy a double-faced creature card with Soul Separator’s ability, the resulting Spirit token will be a double-faced token. The listed exceptions will apply to both the front and back faces of the Spirit token. The Zombie token will not be a double-faced token.
1/24/2025 If the copied creature card has Variable Colorless in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0.
1/24/2025 Any “enters” abilities of the copied creature card will trigger when the Spirit token enters. Any “as [this creature] enters” or “[this creature] enters with” abilities of the creature card will also work.
1/24/2025 The Spirit token has the color and mana cost (and thus mana value) of the original card; the Zombie token has a mana value of 0.
1/24/2025 Abilities that define a creature’s power and toughness apply while that card is in your graveyard, but abilities that add or subtract from it don’t. For example, the ability of Sage of Ancient Lore applies to determine the Zombie token’s power and toughness, but the ability of Liliana’s Elite doesn’t.
1/24/2025 If the copied creature card has an ability that defines its power and toughness, such as that of Sage of Ancient Lore, the Spirit token will still have base power and toughness 1/1.
1/24/2025 The power and toughness of the Zombie token are set as it’s created based on the card as it last existed in your graveyard. They won’t update if the exiled card’s power and toughness change.
1/24/2025 The Spirit token will be on the battlefield before the Zombie token enters.
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