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Almost to pricey, but the fact he's a vamp coupled with the fact he can pretty much destroy any token decks makes him decent.

I have one in my Vamp deck, and when you manage to drop him he's a game changer.
Posted By: faisjdas (1/20/2010 7:54:23 PM)



If a creature is black and another color, it's black but it isn't nonblack.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/15/2010 3:20:28 AM)


The only way it isn't is if you're playing against another Black deck. I pulled this guy out, my opponent had three 1/1 green creatures out (one of them from getting two -1/-1 counters on it from Sickle Ripper) and a 2/1 guy, so they all died when he came into play and he was left with two weakened creatures against my 4 or 5 creatures that were all beefed up from this guy. Plus, he has flying which helps (and your opponent basically can't pull out any 1/1 non-black creatures or they'll just die when they hit play).

He does cost quite a bit, but can help you win some games, so I'll give him a 4/5.
Posted By: RJTheDestroyer (8/13/2009 12:30:56 AM)


What would happen if i played something like divinity of pride, who is both black and white?
I'm guessing he only gets the +1/+1, but I'm unsure.
Posted By: kriissii (1/30/2010 3:03:59 PM)


See You Later Saproiligs. Dudes A Beast Plus This Art Is So Wicked And He's A Roided Out Vamp. 5/5
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (1/5/2011 11:52:12 AM)



You get a 3/3 flying, that should cost 4 in black. Then you get a bad moon, that's another 2. Then all your opponents might get a PERMANENT -1/-1, that alone is probably worth 6. So in total, that's probably 12 cmc, at least imo, for 6. Not only that, white weenies, token decks, and a lot of red creatures find themselves dead the minute he hits the board. This guy is a definite addition to any monoblack deck.

Posted By: VoidedNote (8/18/2010 12:32:23 PM)


I bought his deck and beated my friends away...
Posted By: macic666 (3/1/2009 2:22:38 AM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: necrohack (2/9/2009 7:16:44 AM)


How is this a good card?
Posted By: godsire (8/12/2009 11:32:20 PM)


umm, i've got this card
for how much can i sell it?
Posted By: CruelEdict (7/31/2012 11:02:29 AM)


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