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Community Rating: 4.000 / 5  (53 votes)
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Wow, Odds counters countermagic no matter what it lands on. Heads, you counter it outright. Tails, you redirect it to itself and make it whiff. Pretty cool.
Posted By: Totema (10/14/2012 5:48:32 PM)


Fire and Ice for a new era of broken-ness on Sunforger and on Isochron Scepter.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (11/18/2012 2:10:18 AM)


Now this is coin-flipping players can get behind! You get either Redirect or Reverberate.
Posted By: Manite (11/25/2012 12:22:24 PM)


@ tezz

Dont think so buddy...gotta have commander colors in both mana costs. Off color hybrids are also a no go, i believe.
Posted By: patronofthesound (2/26/2013 7:25:24 AM)


Did anyone notice FATTKIDD was being sarcastic? Steven Colbert is a satirical comedian who pokes fun at overly patriotic Americans... But to avoid hurt feelings, why don't we call that color combination "leomistico" instead, since his face turns white, then red, then blue when he hears the word America. (It's a Pavlovian conditioned reflex.)

OK, OK, OK, I should write about the card. Krark's Thumb will make your choice more likely, but the ruling specifically states there is no winning or losing the flip, so Chance Encounter will never get a luck counter.

I wish there were more cards like this that give an interesting good result for each outcome. Too many cards that use coins have a good or a bad outcome, or even worse, a good outcome or nothing. I play Red because I like to do stuff. I don't want to play a card that has a fifty percent chance of being boring!
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (7/2/2013 8:34:56 PM)


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