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This card is a great tool to build around. Some good cards that combo with this are Hunted Horror, Hunted Phantasm, Hero's Demise, Karakas, Shizo, Death's Storehouse, Copy Artifact , Copy Enchantment, Hatching Plans, Mimeofacture. Plus, if you're playing the Hunted creatures, you'll consider Blood Seeker, or Poisonbelly Ogre type effects.
Posted By: BonniePrinceCharlie (5/21/2011 4:07:58 PM)


control deck love! :D

since most cards will stay in your hand any ways ;)
Posted By: iSlapTrees (5/23/2011 10:35:13 PM)


I'm totally going to put it in my EDH deck and...oh wait.
Posted By: jemas42 (6/4/2011 11:21:43 AM)


Phantasmal Image becomes the ultimate creature removal. Doesn't target so it trumps protection and shroud\hexproof, but you still get the choice unlike diabolic edict type effects and the legend rule as a state based action trumps indestructible and regeneration. All for 1U
Posted By: Latronis (7/15/2011 6:28:50 PM)


@jemas42: It's not useless in Commander. It lets you shut down token generators and allows you to take out anything that you also have in your deck. If your friends run a lot of tokens, it wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Posted By: Gamma_Guy (7/16/2011 9:44:36 PM)


There are a few EDH decks this works well in. It lets Empress Galina steal everything, and it stops Phelddagrif's hippos. Or you could side it in against token-heavy decks like Rhys the Redeemed, Kemba, Kha Regent, or Darien, King of Kjeldor.
Posted By: sonorhC (7/27/2011 6:35:05 PM)


Hehe. Poor tokens.
Posted By: NeoKoda (8/14/2011 12:35:53 PM)


Use this with Leyline of Anticipation in EDH and you have very good set-up for tons of degenerate combos. Clones and similar abilities become the best creature removal available. Use your Phyrexian Metamorph to take out Sol Ring, Lightning Greaves, and Caged Sun.

I plan on using both of these with Damia, Sage of Stone as my general. Between these cards and Words of Waste I'll have plenty of opportunities to control the game.
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (9/6/2011 3:33:36 PM)


well if you have 2 on your opening hand, and choose to put them both in play just in case, then that's a stupid move from you...
Posted By: Lueseto (11/25/2011 3:07:41 PM)


My friends don't want to play EDH/Commander with me... the joke's on them now.
Posted By: Kragash (1/8/2012 6:16:01 PM)


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