I'd grab this dude in draft, he 's alright. But more importantly, this card has fantastic flavor. Really, amazing. Wizards should riff on the flavor text in the next core set. Make a card called "Troll Chant." It could be an instant that gives a creature +2/+2 and regenerates it, or something. Make it green, if necessary. The most important thing would be flavor like this:

"Oi oi oi! Me smells'a smelly man!

Oi oi oi! He cutty-pokey can!

gonna nosh-bosh stomp-chomp yum-burp-and-

BetterBetterBetterBetterBetter! Oi oi oi..."

My magical MTG daydream is that WOTC makes "Troll Chant" and uses this flavor text. Also bosh+nosh= best rhyme ever. Kudos to whoever wrote the flavor text of Uthden Troll, its pretty genius. The art ain't bad either. Man, I love this card...