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Ogre Slumlord becomes a boardwipe vs non-tokens.
Posted By: TowerDefender (5/20/2013 3:21:03 AM)


Stigma Lasher says hi. =D
Posted By: Skiefyre (7/11/2013 2:53:39 PM)


Screaming Lady in Foreground: "Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children!"
Posted By: gengiscorn (7/19/2013 7:58:16 AM)


Regarding this card's interactions with protection auras, particularly those that specify a colour.

Could I please get some clarification/confirmation as to what colour the damage dealt is; red because it comes from Pandemonium which is a red card, colourless because the damage colour is unspecified, OR (I think this last option is least likely, as it says "equal to it's power" but should still be considered.) determined by the creatures colour?

Thanks in advance.
Posted By: VixeyC (10/28/2013 10:46:27 PM)


To the people who say "it's bad because your opponents get to use the ability as well..." Does anyone know the definition of the word "Pandemonium?" The ability for everyone to use it is kind of the point; hence, the card is called pandemonium; taken into consideration the cards ability does just that! I ran one in a red haste creature deck and it can be absolute enthralling chaos!!!
Posted By: RAT666 (10/30/2013 3:45:48 AM)


@ VixeyC: Pandemonium says, "...that creature's controller may have it deal damage equal to its power..." Yes, the creature itself is dealing the damage. You can use non-red creatures to deal damage to things with protection from red this way, and deathtouch and lifelink creatures will kill creatures and give you life. Some cards like Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius will have other effects when dealing damage, those will be triggered. Just check that the ability triggers with non-combat damage. For example, Phage, the Untouchable will still deal damage, but she won't win the game or kill creatures with power more than 4 because she only kills through combat.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (11/7/2013 3:28:22 AM)


Goblin chieftan + krenko can mean you wipe the board of your opponent's creatures and attack with a horde of guys all at once.
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/7/2014 4:21:29 PM)


@JimmyNoobPlayer: This doesn't get around pro-red, even with a non-red creature. The damage is dealt by a creature, but the ability is Pandemonium's, so pro-red stops it from targeting in the first place.
Posted By: manaderp (2/4/2014 11:55:41 AM)


Combine with Ajani's Chosen and Enchanted Evening for a janky infinite damage combo.
Posted By: Lord_Skoonie (3/15/2014 12:42:15 AM)


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