Strictly worse than Breath of Life and False Defeat (note the mana costs), but by such a slim margin that it's hardly noticeable.
Posted By:
(11/28/2012 12:26:56 PM)
What's so great about this is that you can use it in Modern. Sure, there are better options for white in Legacy, but this can be used for all kinds of combos or just ridiculous things, like pulling an Eldrazi out turn 4 after discarding it within your first few turns.
4/5 just for Modern use.
Posted By:
(2/11/2013 3:10:47 AM)
Bah! She wasn't dead. She was just faking. 0/5 stars.
Posted By:
(2/4/2014 8:10:05 AM)
Mindblowing orgasm: the card.
Posted By:
(4/11/2014 4:53:16 PM)