Well, that suspend is practically worthless. It might be worth it late game when they have no hand, but only if they draw lands. And it's a rare...
Posted By:
(2/24/2009 8:07:46 AM)
Any number of Jhoira's Timebugs, Rift Elementals, Paradox Hazes, and Braid of Fires help this go from "LOL good luck with that." to "25/4 already!? Path to Exile."
Posted By:
(6/1/2011 8:57:21 AM)
Don't use this is a land destruction deck? Haha don't even waste your time. I've never gotten to play this off of suspend. NEVER. And i've tried oh so many times. Pfft, and give up on using this in multiplayer.
Posted By:
(4/18/2010 12:57:46 AM)
This card only works if the time counters can be removed the opponent plays any spells.
Posted By:
(7/15/2009 6:13:44 PM)
This card really is only useful against control decks that seek to leave all their lands untapped and counter what you play. The dragon is supposed to force them to tap their lands in an effort to keep him out of play. However, what that means is that you too will have to stop playing spells to avoid giving them a target for their counterspells, and that means that they will just be stockpiling their counters, and will likely be able to spare one for this guy.
Posted By:
(2/14/2011 3:17:50 PM)
I personally think it's great in Kaalia of the Vast.
I use it exactly as if it was just a Shivan Dragon, with superior artwork :)
And in Commander, you have NINETY-NINE other cards to pull a bit of extra weight to make up for the one indulgence.
some would say if you don't use a couple of those slots to excercise your right to be a stubborn mule and pick cards you like that aren't 'strictly better' than anything, and are 'strictly worse' than a number of things, then you're approaching the format from the wrong angle.
Posted By:
(9/15/2011 10:27:27 PM)
Early game, your opponent will be playing spells. Late game, you can hardcast it anyway. Unless you've got a timebug on the field, this card just can't beat the curve.
Posted By:
(9/20/2011 10:01:38 AM)
The suspend should be fun if you can prevent your opponent from casting any spells.
I might try to build a variation of a Scepter Chant deck. I already know the perfect name for it:
"Silence! I kill you!"
Posted By:
(10/26/2011 3:44:23 AM)
It would have been so good if opponent spells removed time counters. As it is, though, this fearsome dragon can be easily kept at bay.
Posted By:
(7/10/2012 6:33:24 PM)
Fury Charm can be used cleverly: If you suspend it in a situation where your opponent doesn't really want to cast anything, you can bait them into doing so to stop the dragon and then resolve it anyway.
Posted By:
(8/20/2012 5:08:53 PM)