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That doesn't work, gaining control of a land won't trigger landfall because the land never left the battlefield, so it never enters the battlefield.
Posted By: Atali (12/3/2011 11:36:25 AM)


Love the flavor text.
Posted By: raptorman333 (12/16/2011 9:21:33 AM)


I run Paradox Haze alongside:

Braids, Conjurer Adept
Gate to the Æther
Followed Footsteps
Eternal Dominion
Posted By: IUHoosier (1/11/2012 11:30:31 PM)



Sorry, doesn't work.

When you turn Paradox Haze into a creature, it becomes unattached and ceases to enchant you. Since Paradox Haze grants the additional upkeep to the "enchanted player", it no longer provides you with an additional upkeep.

704.5q If a creature is attached to an object or player, it becomes unattached and remains on the battlefield.
Posted By: iUseBreakOpen (1/23/2012 10:34:08 AM)


would this card work with cards that have a tap ability, like Prodigal Pyromancer. would he untap twice?
Posted By: momentumkiller (5/26/2012 8:47:07 AM)


One of my favorite auras of all time and a awesome johnny card too.
I run a play set in my Mayael's Aria deck with Trace of Abundance to help get the blue mana I need for it. Also my friend runs this in his fungus deck.
Posted By: XRakd0sXNinjaX (7/11/2012 11:39:27 AM)


The face of my EDH playgroup when I play this in my Jhoira of the Githu deck and the cast Dominus of Fealty... Priceless... ( And I got a shiny one too!) Gotta love the flavor text ! Hate Teferi but that phrase is really cool.
Posted By: ReaperKingofHill (11/28/2012 10:33:16 PM)


That only sort of works; in the sense that the cumulative upkeep will get huge quickly. The mana will still dissipate between steps, so (for example)

Braids has 0 counters and you have a paradox haze out:
-CU on Braids adds a counter and 1 mana
-Paradox haze kicks in at end of upkeep
-Mana drains out of your pool
-CU on BRaids adds a counter and 2 mana

You have 2 mana; not 3. This means that you'll get lots of counters, but it doesnt stack the way you're implying.
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/17/2013 10:53:34 AM)


Cool art, is that a Orzhov Guildmage stuck in the fog?
Posted By: Dargenom (1/22/2013 6:19:44 AM)


awesome with Curse of the Bloody Tome
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/19/2013 1:36:21 PM)


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