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Fairly high initial cost, but the activation cost is reasonable. Flying carpet gives the flying option to colors that normally don't get decent flyers. Namely green. Put your Craw Wurm on the Flying Carpet and you have yourself a deadly flying attacker. Or save it to use on your Drudge Skeletons for defense. If your opponent has a particularly annoying creature that you'd like to eliminate via Hurricane or Earthbind, you could even use Flying Carpet on his creatures. By the old rulings, this would also destroy your Flying Carpet, but sometimes it was worthwhile to do so. My most memorable use of Flying Carpet was on my opponent's Lured Thicket Basilisk to keep it from wiping out my entire army.
Posted By: Eppek_the_Goblin (3/15/2010 11:52:57 PM)


Why the obvious power level errata? Other then the fact it needed it.
Posted By: Gilgiga (10/29/2009 9:06:54 PM)


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