would be awesome if you could go below 0 CC, and have spells give you mana to cast :P
Posted By:
(3/6/2010 9:43:20 PM)
Since Sprout Swarm can have its buyback cost reduced via convoke, I presume Locket of Yesterday also reduces buyback, kicker, and other type of cost if the condition meets.
That said, the Locket can also reduce your X spells cost.
Posted By:
(6/14/2011 6:48:13 PM)
Doesn't reduce retrace cost if it is the only copy in your graveyard, as stated in the rulings.
Posted By:
(12/15/2010 2:40:54 AM)
One or two of these in the Pyromancer Ascension deck that floating around in Extended right now might not be a bad idea at all.
Posted By:
(4/19/2011 9:34:20 AM)
Good synergy with Remembrance and having 4 copies of your creatures, especially if those cards have effects when they enter.
Posted By:
(6/19/2011 7:57:38 AM)
If you want to play a seriously unorthodox deck, have a ton of retrace in your deck with a bunch of extra land
Step 1, cast this card.
Step 2, Traumatize yourself.
Step 3, suprise your opponent with cheaper boots to the face.
Not my stype of deck but it could be effective and suprising.
Posted By:
(11/4/2009 5:32:39 PM)
relentless rats for 
Posted By:
(1/11/2011 9:22:19 PM)
Some budget decks could use this to boost storm count...
Posted By:
(5/2/2009 4:53:51 PM)
Anything with nether bonuses from it, muscle burst and flame burst decks.
Posted By:
(4/17/2010 11:54:14 PM)
Oh man, how awesome would this be with retrace abilities? All retrace costs would effectively be 1 less.
Posted By:
(8/5/2009 10:29:33 AM)