With shround this coluld be nice heavy-pounder. Hmmm...
Posted By:
(9/16/2012 10:55:13 AM)
needs to be a better card
Posted By:
(5/13/2013 3:00:17 PM)
Why would you fling this? For you could play an Arc Runner, which has haste...so you can attack with a 5/1, and if it gets blocked, then you can fling it.
Echo really kills this card.
Posted By:
(5/27/2013 11:06:14 PM)
Dragon Breath
Posted By:
(6/17/2013 10:25:57 AM)
This card is rated unfairly low. In an Echo deck, you're going to play it with Thick-Skinned Goblin. In an Elemental deck, it's a good target for Incandescent Soulstoke.
Posted By:
(9/20/2013 12:39:36 PM)
@Tiggurix: I suppose that's fair, but in defense of this card's low rating, there are better options for both of those guys.
Posted By:
(12/3/2013 2:51:19 PM)