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This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen, in any card game.
Anyone who rates this below a 5 is lying to themself.
Posted By: MizziumSculptor444 (12/5/2013 4:31:44 PM)



You are right, and all those people who don't play this game for ante are sissies who just aren't Man enough to play this game the way it was played eighteen years ago. It can't just be that they simply enjoy other methods of play, depending on the situation (possibly including Ante, when consented to by all players), because there is only one right way to play the game, and that's your way. And only wusses would ever mulligan, or let an opponent mulligan, because the only acceptable way to play this game of strategy is to gamble on the games, and then allow chance to skew the results to an irrecoverable degree. Anyone who has any opinion other than this single view is clearly inferior.

While we're at it, lets do away with those silly ban lists, restricted lists, the increased minimum deck size, and most certainly that four-copies-per-card limit. Constructed deck restrictions aren't what Magic is... (see all)
Posted By: Qoios-Mauryn (1/10/2012 7:04:06 PM)


I've been reading Wolf's comments about ante, and while he may be trolling and is off on a few points, in general he is correct about Ante's and its usage for many years. However in regards to his ludicrous ancestral>contract claim, he is either trolling, on crack, or a scrub that lost nearly every ante he put up, both due to terrible card evaluation, and/or somehow losing tons of games after casting a few contracts, which is nearly criminal in its own right.

Regarding Contract, even if it didnt have any ante text, it would still have been banned even in Vintage, as it makes the rest of the power 9 seem like wood elemental relative. B = Win Target Game. Nuff said
Posted By: SlickDragon (9/21/2010 2:16:50 AM)


I am. Making a Storm deck with 4 of these. And begging people to play ante...not even for keeps. I just want to use it. So badly.

Most broken card ever. Turn 1 Swamp, Dark Ritual, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Cabal Ritual, Contract, Win.
Posted By: SereneChaos (6/30/2011 11:12:08 PM)


best draw card ever
Posted By: shinkokagai (8/14/2009 1:40:49 PM)


indeed, this could even keep up with Ancestral Recall. It would likely be restricted and part of the Power Nine if it wasn't an ante card.
by the way, why does this type of cards even exist?
Posted By: Mode (1/1/2009 8:32:13 AM)


"To the guy who said "If Ante was still around this would be an Auto Include in every deck".... No, you're wrong."

You have some knowledge of an alternate history where ante is still played? "That guy"'s statement may have been speculation, but it's not wrong -- it can't really be known. However, I think it's plausible that that would be the case. Just read what the card does: it is a disgusting enabler for any Tendrils deck! With Yawgmoth's Will and the Storm mechanic, the card would be in a different world than it was back in the Revised card pool, and with a higher-average skill level of players to abuse it.
Posted By: scumbling1 (4/12/2011 6:21:13 PM)


While I appreciate Qoios-Mauryn's troll-rant, I'd like to comment on one more thing SlackWareWolf said:

"I don't think some of you realize that those little Rule Books that came with EVERY Starter Deck back in Revised, flat out said you play for Ante. You didn't get to say no unless BOTH players agreed not to."

You also didn't get to say yes unless both players agreed to. If one player wants to play for Ante and one doesn't, you don't play for Ante; you don't play, period. Unless there were roaming gangs of M:tG players intimidating people into playing for Ante, it's as simple as people not opting to start a game they didn't want to play.
Posted By: Grumman (4/16/2012 8:35:39 PM)


If it weren't for the ante part making this illegal for tournament play, this would easily kick Timetwister out of the power 9. This is like a Timetwister for one mana and only on yourself...
Posted By: Gabriel422 (8/7/2011 3:14:10 PM)


Shame about the ante part... this would be best draw ever.
Posted By: metalworker (9/9/2009 1:32:28 PM)


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