Helped out by the card drawing given to green in Planar Chaos and later sets.
Posted By:
(3/12/2010 4:58:07 AM)
Could be useful with infect creatures in a monogreen infect deck, perhaps?
Posted By:
(3/2/2011 12:34:52 PM)
If it's a spore effect, shouldn't it do something like Spore Frog or Spore Cloud and prevent combat damage?
Weak flavor, weak effect. >_<
Posted By:
(10/9/2010 12:42:30 AM)
A very bad Giant Growth. When will a deck that wants that effect have the mittfull of green cards needed to make its ability worth using? And it doesn't get much extra mileage out of being a 1/1 for 1 either.
Posted By:
(4/29/2009 8:33:03 PM)
One of the weakest martyrs
Posted By:
(2/9/2009 11:36:33 AM)
So far, the best tutorable pumping effect with Summoner's Pact.
Posted By:
(7/27/2010 5:37:12 AM)
Better than Ivy Seer, at least.
Posted By:
(12/17/2011 10:14:54 PM)
@ tcollins: no
Posted By:
(3/29/2011 1:29:51 PM)
Skyshroud Sentinel perhaps?
Posted By:
(6/17/2011 9:19:28 AM)
I agree but the 'spore' ability doesn't fit the "X Green cards from your hand", which is what this cycle was all about. I guess it could have been X creatures, but selective damage prevention is more
's territory. Besides the +X/+X, they could have made it X life, but we all know how well that would have went over...
Posted By:
(9/27/2011 2:22:57 AM)