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Community Rating: 2.878 / 5  (45 votes)
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Imagine blasting 3 lands with 4 lands, manamorphose, seething song, and this.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/16/2013 7:00:06 AM)


While presumably not a great card outside of it, this is EDH gold. It should be rated for it's use in EDH in my opinion, because that's the only format this will see play in. (with a few exceptions I'm sure.)

You can drop this pretty early with a high enough storm count to do a follow-up win in quite a few decks. My Riku can blast 6 lands turn 5 or 6 easily, especially when you use brainstorm, mystical tutor, top, explore and other small spells.

4.5 / 5 for use in the right EDH decks.
Posted By: ElliotSternberg (9/5/2013 10:37:17 AM)


This is a Winmore that really dosent look like it would be that fun to go up agenst :/

2.5/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (5/3/2014 5:24:54 AM)


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