I run him as the general of an EDH deck that I like to call ButtSeks.

I was tired of all the W/G and W/B/G token decks around, and wanted something different. Turns out he's really consistent and a blast to play. Lots of sac effects and recursion, as well at ETB effects and LTB effects make for a fun, intricate deck.

Things like Nether Traitor and Reassembling Skeleton (along with a sac outlet) let me bounce things in and out of play. Coupled with semi-repeatable recursion like Bloodghast, persist/undying creatures, Eternal Witness, Deadwood Treefolk, and things like Gleancrawler or Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker, Cauldron of Souls, or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed mean there's always stuff going on and things are always coming back from the dead.

To make my things dead, I use the usual sac outlets li... (see all)