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What a power stance.
Posted By: Stray_Dog (1/14/2011 6:19:04 AM)


I wouldn't have thought that you'd be able to use him in edh, as you will never be able to cast him from your graveyard - the commander zone is more like your hand...

great everywhere else, though
Posted By: firechao (1/15/2011 9:46:38 AM)


run with crib swap! replace all of their creaturs with freaky green babies!
Posted By: HuntedWumpusMustDie (4/6/2011 10:04:41 PM)


He sucks
Posted By: crownofvampires (8/9/2011 8:36:43 PM)


in theory this is a great card for a knight deck, to combine with buried alive. it can lead to major card advantage because not only do you have your hand to play from, but also your graveyard. however in practice, I have found that to orchestrate everything correctly (get haakon out of your library, into your graveyard, then get him onto the battlefield so he can do his thing) it can take quite a few turns if you don't have the perfect opening hand. meaning by the time you get it rolling, you're already....dead.
Posted By: tantallum99 (8/21/2011 5:00:26 AM)


Dear people, imagine if haakon could be played from command zone, its gonna be most broken general even in EDH! I guess its right that he cant be played as general cause of his ability, cause if he could be played there gonna be a lot of deathless knights and EDH would never be the same...
On other hand, this card is cool since you put him somehow into your graveyard, so than, the game is easy, but till there, you need to use a lot of discards, tutor than mill your deck or using spells as entomb or burried alive.
Nice card, and to play with him, you need to make entire deck around him otherwise, he isnt so strong as appears in first look.
Posted By: Oleggio (9/24/2011 1:31:05 PM)


Can you use Mirror of Fate or Pull from Eternity to cast him from the command zone?
Posted By: SinForSanity (11/24/2011 9:37:51 PM)


Well... you could use him as your general for Commander/EDH. You just wouldn't be able to cast him. Nothing prevents you from making him your general though; I bet he's pretty in foil :b
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (12/18/2011 8:43:31 AM)


Someone pointed out the somewhat unfortunate synergy that Changeling tribal instants and sorceries can be cast from your graveyard with this. Over and over and over and over. Like Nameless Inversion. Repeatable removal does not get any more efficient than 2 for +3/-3, and it's a potential power boost to boot, AND it hoses tribal, AND it sets off anything you may have that goes off on instant casting (unlikely in a black deck, but eh).
Posted By: LordRandomness (12/30/2011 4:06:44 AM)


This is the absolute worst commander for Commander/EDH in all of Magic, and always will be. ...unless they go crazy and errata Haakon to say you can cast him from the command zone, at which point he'll be the best commander in all of Magic.

I love this card anywhere else, including in both my Knights and my pseudo-Dredge decks for Commander. He's a casual play dream card. The Nameless Inversion combo makes Merfolk decks cry; removing their Lord of Atlantis-type bonuses is almost as important as the +3/-3.
Posted By: Salient (1/24/2012 8:17:18 PM)


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