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Omnath keeps this going indefinitely.
Posted By: MattLynn (12/10/2012 9:34:42 AM)


Im gunna blow everyone's minds and suggest Melek, Izzet Paragon. If there's an instant on top of your library, Melek will let you cast it during your upkeep AND copy it. AND THEN YOU DRAW AND PLAY THE REST OF THE TURN NORMALLY WHAAAAATTTT????
Posted By: ToAsTy42o (8/23/2013 9:39:56 PM)


In any other color this card would be unbelievable. It's still absolutely fantastic, but red often won't see the game go long enough to have this get insane. That's not to say that you can't make a somewhat slower red deck, but for the really fast ones you'd most likely be better off with Desperate Ritual or Seething Song.

Now that Worldwake is out and Rise of the Eldrazi is coming, Comet Storm and the Eldrazi are now awesome with this card. Since it's supposed to have a lot of slowing cards, this should be able to really shine.
Posted By: SleetFox (3/30/2010 10:12:45 AM)


Before the rules change this thing was monsterous...

1st turn: Land, Rite of Flame for Braid of Fire
2nd turn: Land, Rite of Flame for Hearthfire Hobgoblin with Reckless Charge and Firebeathing... Swing 10
3rd turn: Land, pump Firebreathing, Swing 14, listen to opponent whine...

Sure that's an entire hand, but 10 on turn 2!!!
Posted By: Rode (4/7/2010 9:34:08 PM)


...no more mana burn... now that's just mean! I really want some of these now.
Posted By: Cardcypher42 (4/18/2010 5:27:35 PM)


I love the flavor of this card. Great for activating support artifacts/lands like Krosan verge, armillary sphere, tower of fortunes etc... If you don't want to fill your deck with creatures that capitalize on the extra man you can throw in winding canyons and expedition map. Very fun card. 5/5
Posted By: eak1801 (6/3/2010 8:37:43 PM)


Ironically you can use this with iceberg or even dark depths.
Posted By: The_Sturm (6/17/2010 2:35:46 PM)


Helix Pinnacle, Feral Hydra, Bloodrite Invoker, Dawnglare Invoker, Flamewave Invoker, Frostwind Invoker, Lavafume Invoker and Wildheart Invoker all combo with this pretty well. Leyline of Anticipation will perfectly combo when M11 is here.
Posted By: iondragonx (7/3/2010 10:43:19 PM)


Ok uh.....BURN? 5/5
Posted By: Lionhawk (8/5/2010 10:21:50 PM)


A cu.mulative upkeep that gives you mana... apparently you can use thos excess mana to play instant, play activated abilities or creatures with flash... The best permanent that has a cumulative upkeep ever..
Posted By: stratoscythe (9/30/2010 10:12:18 PM)


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