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Combos with Paradox Haze
Posted By: iSlapTrees (11/4/2010 11:34:11 AM)


Getting rid or mana burn turned this card into overpowered into godly.
Posted By: D0UBLE_A (11/17/2010 3:53:40 PM)


Obviously, with mana burn eliminated from the rules in 2010, the upkeep is now an immense advantage. This is another example of how current rule changes or card released can suddenly elevate cards released in the past. Remember when Lion's Eye Diamond was lame because of its costly drawback? Then, Yawgmoth's Will came along and the diamond became THE artifact to have.

Actually, I thought that mana burn was a good rule -- it added that sense of constraint and challenge to the game. Now, people can just tap out and absent-mindedly let mana drain from their pools without any consequence. I dunno -- cards like Drain Power were fun with mana burn as a rule.
Posted By: keeds4 (12/28/2010 8:00:48 AM)


This looks really promissing with Red Sun's Zenith and Mindmoil...
Posted By: Narim (2/1/2011 2:58:11 AM)


This is so dang useful. It basically makes a whole slough of cumulative upkeep cards playable.

You could combo this with Agent of Stromgald and Phyrexian Etchings to get an awesome draw engine in Mono-Red or {BR} Burn Discard. Also, you could use the mana it makes to blast out a Bogardan Hellkite.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (2/8/2011 12:25:26 PM)


justicarphaeton: Omnath only stores your green mana, not your red.

Why does everyone keep listing sorcery-speed cards as combos? Damnit people.
Posted By: EternalLurker (2/24/2011 5:46:20 PM)


I can imagine this was a lot riskier before they got rid of mana burn. Now it's pretty much broken. I wonder how often that happens, when they change a rule and accidentally break a card or combo?
Posted By: Totema (1/13/2012 11:14:40 AM)


A redhead in my class has one of these.
Posted By: Gako (1/27/2012 9:56:06 PM)


This is the answer to rite of flame being banned in modern...this with simian spirit guide and storm is just sick when you add in the flashback cards of the Innistrad block....ie faithless looting....sick
Posted By: FroMoBlivion (1/31/2012 10:45:33 AM)


Good call @AvatarofBro. I used to love this card. But now that I realize it doesn't allow you to play creatures, I'm not so impressed as I used to be.
Posted By: 4wallz (4/16/2012 10:42:37 PM)


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