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Simply amazing now that manaburn is gone.
Posted By: tcollins (4/30/2012 8:53:51 AM)


Comet Storm late game with this early game = AMAZING
what goes up must come down.... all over the place
Posted By: raptorman333 (5/2/2012 5:49:27 AM)


This card is fun because it is challenging to use.

In general, this is not going to help you out early game. But there are other cards that this powers up that do help you early. Why not drop a mana vault in a deck with four of these? Turbocharge one of your first turns, use this to untap the vault, and transfer BoF mana to the main phase!
Posted By: kiseki (6/6/2012 1:40:17 AM)


Not as good as it used to be due to a change in ruling on how mana exists between steps and phases:

Basically, you mana pool empties between your upkeep step and draw step...meaning you can only play instants with mana from Braid of Fire.
Posted By: LastProtagonist (7/2/2012 11:38:06 AM)


If you really want to combo like crazy with this card, don't think of this as mana to cast instants with. Think of it as mana to activate abilities with.

It's a Thran Turbine that just keeps getting better, and you can run four of each...
Posted By: Salient (7/2/2012 8:16:50 PM)


people overvalue this card so much, you can only use the mana during your upkeep, which means only when you can play instants. It's really not that great, but I get the feeling that most people don't understand that the mana drains after your upkeep, rather stupid card if you ask me
Posted By: Mooninites (7/18/2012 2:54:30 PM)


I can imagine using this to flash in a Bogardan Hellkite each turn.
Posted By: htgtmd (7/19/2012 1:43:46 PM)


During your upkeep this triggers. At the end of your upkeep >POOF< it's gone. So yes instants and abilities come to mind. But, perhaps there's more? What if could use that Free Mana to pay cumulative upkeep costs?! Opens whole new doors.

This has previously been explored via Mode:
Since M10, this is indeed a nice card.
Either spend the mana for instants in burn decks, activated abilities, or pay upkeep costs, including those from cultimative upkeep cost since they can equate each other,
for example Brand of Ill Omen, Earthen Goo, Halls of Mist, Heat Wave and Magmatic Core.
Further cultimative upkeep cards of other colors that can make use of this include: Hibernation's End, Wave of Terror, Musician, Corrosion, Elephant Grass, Energy Storm, Fyndhorn Pollen, Kjeldoran Javelineer, Malignant Growth, Mesmeric Trance, Mystic Remora, Prismatic Circle and Revered Unicorn.

To expand on that, only red mana or colorless was addressed. Change the color you're gi... (see all)
Posted By: applecorn (11/20/2012 3:56:33 AM)


I got rid of my playset that I got CHEAP originally because they really were a pain with mana burn.
So now that I dont own them the price has increased 10 fold and they are worth more than gold in the game.
Thanks WOTC for making so many rules changes that have screwed at least a handful of my decks :-D
Posted By: donjohnson (12/13/2012 3:23:10 PM)


Obviously nice for instants and abilities, but I tend to run this with Gemstone Array if I want that steady flow of mana. Could use Upwelling to keep all of the red instead, but I usually don't need that much red. I think trading half the mana for any color when I need it is fair.
Posted By: A_Real_Travesty (5/20/2013 7:11:09 AM)


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