Anyone else notice how ironic his flavor text is?
"Artifice sundered the world. It shall not again wreak such sorrow."
Dagsson player: Tutor up a Time Vault and a Voltaic Key, you concede?
Me: Stop wreaking sorrow D:
Posted By:
(2/26/2013 6:44:12 PM)
Sacrifice beats indestructable, so use him to take out an opponent's Darksteel Colossus or other big brute. Combo with Magus of the Unseen to steal an opponent's artifact creature, attack with it, and sac it afterwards to get one of your artifacts.
Posted By:
(2/7/2010 4:36:22 AM)
@Minus-Prime: But since Arcum loses his target, the ability fizzles and does nothing anyway.
Posted By:
(2/1/2011 10:27:30 PM)
And they told it was indestructible...
Posted By:
(1/12/2012 3:35:25 AM)
Its useful if the opponent decides to destroy one of your artifacts and you have other artifact cards that can be potentially functional.
Posted By:
(6/20/2009 4:58:10 PM)
it works great with Nuisance Engine or Myrsmith
Posted By:
(1/25/2011 2:46:14 AM)
great card, one of my favorite tuter cards, i wanna make an edh deck out of it
edit, well now that scars/besieged has come out this card just gets better, now its even easier to turn all your opponents creatures into artifacts.
of course with any tap ability Freed from the Real breaks it.
Posted By:
(2/5/2011 8:29:32 AM)
This guy can be insane as an EDH general. Use mana accelerators like Silver Myr, Manakin or Myr Moonvessel, then toss in an Ornithopter, Memnite or Myr Retriever, and away you go.
Drop in Darksteel Forge, give Mr. Dagsson something like Crab Umbra or Freed from the Real and then it just gets stupid. Whether it's a Darksteel Colossus or Blightsteel Colossus, or a Time Vault and Voltaic Key, or even just Mycosynth Lattice Nevinyrral's Disk.
Posted By:
(2/27/2012 7:38:49 AM)
In my opinion one of the very best Generals in EDH, his versatility and his uncanny ability make him a force to be reckoned with. while other commanders rely on alot of removal tactics, combat and additional tutoring for good cards to make things happen, i am looking at hegdgemon and glissa, this guy here gets fed one tiny stupid myr and he can turn the whole game around in a few turns. pull out those lightning greaves and the darksteel forge, turn him into and artifact, give your indestructible hexproof general wings andn copy him with mirrorworks combined with mirror gallery and watch the world burn...
you could also use karn the silver golem to put lightning greaves on your newly created artifact creature named darksteel forge. can shove that improved avacyn into your newly fetched conjurer's closet. all fetched by tinker on legs...
if you are worried about finding your creatures, well you can always mill yourself with cards like keening stone and then fetch karn the liberated wit... (see all)
Posted By:
(12/6/2012 10:53:21 AM)
One of my personal fav's have a little ramp get him out turn 3 by turn four sac the ramp get out a forge or lattice straight into play free
Posted By:
(1/2/2010 7:46:13 PM)