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Community Rating: 2.305 / 5  (41 votes)
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This card is good for only one thing, but it is awesome at that: It is part of one of the best decks in Freeform, because the usual champion of 40x Chancellor of the Dross can only be reliably beaten by 20x Elvish Spirit Guide, 20x Healing Leaves.
It's the cheapest, fastest way to gain 2 or more life in green or red, which is necessary when the only mana sources you have are Elvish Spirit Guide and Simian Spirit Guide and you have to survive 21 points of life loss.
Note: I have never played Freeform, nor heard of it being played competitively, but this seems like it would be good.
Posted By: 3-7-15-1-292 (6/3/2012 8:16:41 PM)


@3-7-15-1-292: It's useful for one other thing too. Lonely Magic players.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (6/18/2012 10:15:54 AM)


Leaves is almost an anagram of Salve. That said, this is almost as useful as the Salve... which is to say not at all.
Posted By: Continue (11/10/2012 11:24:01 PM)


This spell, while still not very useful, would have been better in a color that didn't have giant growth. Thematically very sound, but not too great.
Posted By: ThatStunna (1/22/2013 1:05:13 AM)


i think this card is really cool.i believe 2 star rating is too low.i mean i have seen cards with negative effects and without clear advantage having higher rating.
Posted By: kronos1225 (7/16/2013 12:38:55 PM)


This is the timeshifted version of Healing Salve.
Posted By: Zorgrath (7/27/2013 2:09:30 AM)


Changing this to green doesn't make it playable Wizards. It just...it just doesn't. Damage prevention and life gain just don't do enough to be useful outside of my first year of Magic playing.
Posted By: docjarvisd09 (2/23/2014 3:57:21 PM)


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