@brunsb103 GASP! THAT IT IS. Haha learn something new about this set everyday
Posted By:
(4/16/2010 8:39:04 PM)
This is like a land mine. You play it turns 1-3 & forget it. Sometimes the games over before it resolves (oh well, you can't win em all). But sometimes your investment matures RIGHT when needed. How many times is your hand FINALLY starting to blossom but you you only have 2-5 life at that point and need just 1 more turn but don't have enough mana for life gain AND life drain? It happens enough. This is your card and it helps.
Posted By:
(12/28/2011 6:48:56 AM)
This is one of my favorite cards. It's not a good card practically, but I love the flavor of a hero on the brink of death coming back for one last chance to save the day.
Posted By:
(1/29/2010 1:14:05 PM)
Oh no! My opponent is about to kill me and there is one time counter left on my Heroes Remembered! Repay in Kind, Holy Day yay!!!
Posted By:
(10/16/2010 8:49:22 AM)
Don't forget Clockspinning.
Posted By:
(6/1/2010 2:22:22 PM)
suspended cards are not permanents. They are removed from the game, so hexmage wouldn't do a thing to it.
Posted By:
(8/31/2010 10:10:28 AM)
I feel like making a Sanguine Bond-Heroes Remembered Deck. Gonna need a huge mana engine.
Posted By:
(9/14/2010 10:16:42 AM)
@Piechart: Rift Elemental, Fury Charm, and Dust of Moments also work well. And, of course, Jhoira of the Ghitu would get it out quickly.
It might be decent as a standalone in EDH.
Posted By:
(12/19/2009 5:59:56 PM)
It is true that usually lifegain does not allow you to win, as it only prolongs the inevitable. Nonetheless, my best memory from my first games of Magic were hardcasting 2 of these in the same game. The deck had a few tough cards such as Akroma, Angel of Wrath that might have helped win the game if I had drawn them. Surely with the mention of Sanguine Bond and with the newer Serra Ascendant and Felidar Soverign this card has a place in casual decks more than just to prolong your defeat. But even without them, the stories can be fun.
Posted By:
(3/21/2011 8:58:59 PM)
My favorite part about this card is the name. I can't read it without getting goosebumps and slightly teary-eyed.
Posted By:
(4/17/2013 7:05:17 PM)