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Posted By:
(2/3/2013 9:33:16 AM)
If only Vampire Hexmage could target a suspended spell!
Posted By:
(8/17/2011 5:48:47 AM)
Honestly seems really solid, if you make 10 turns, which isn't always possible, you get kinda a Holy Day that works for all damage.
Good question: If they had a card that gained you 20 life for W, would you run it? I think I would, while it is 'wasting a card' so would bounce spells and Silence. Sometimes there is a value in tempo from lifegain, but it does have to have a ridicules mana-life ratio to be worth it.
Posted By:
(9/9/2011 8:14:56 PM)
use with grozoth, cross your fingers and duck your head..... maybe you can end up with 80 extra life ;) still almost doesn't seem worth it. Maybe in multiplayer where everything moves a little slower...
Posted By:
(1/18/2012 7:07:14 PM)
The nice thing about this card is if you drop it on turn one, your opponents will more often than not quake in fear at the...life gain spell you have.
So long as you can keep yourself more or less alive, this allows for a bit more of an aggressive play, as it costs less than nothing to suspend and can be used to frighten your opponents. And, really, mind games is where most of the victory is at.
Posted By:
(3/10/2012 12:44:15 PM)
This and Boon Reflection is an incredible combo for the casual lifegain deck. Run with Test of Endurance and Felidar Sovereign and you've got yourself a victory.
Posted By:
(5/8/2012 3:34:53 PM)
Rain of Gore well then, that's a pretty nice suspend card you go there, id be shame if it would completely do the opposite affect.
Posted By:
(5/9/2012 6:59:58 PM)
@Sixty3Zero - Not necessarily...suspend it for W, then build up the whole two B needed for the Bond. Wait out your last few turns and watch your opponent scramble to stop it.
Posted By:
(6/30/2012 2:29:11 PM)
Terrible to top deck, possibly useful in the right deck in your beginning hand. I've seen it used a bit a long time ago, but it was quickly gutted from the deck.
Posted By:
(4/1/2013 1:20:04 PM)
Vizkopa Guildmage
Posted By:
(5/24/2013 1:00:56 PM)