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There are two colors that don't get land destruction, he is both of them. What gives? In Teneb's case green and white both dabble with the graveyard, Orosh deals damage off of a white trigger and in Vorosh's case, well +1/+1 counters are fairly standard across the board.
Posted By: TPmanW (11/22/2010 11:38:36 PM)


I want to get good at painting on alternate art, and put an Uncle Sam hat on him. He's already got the beard
Posted By: RedCravat (2/2/2011 10:58:13 AM)


Give him double-strike and its ridiculous, early or late game. New EDH general for Colbert.Deck NO BEARS ALLOWED!!
Posted By: SnowblindRaven (12/9/2009 8:59:36 PM)


This is a good commander but the ld ability doesn't do much besides give precision destruction. At turn seven, in the lest, a player should have enough ways to come back from losing two lands.
Posted By: wholelottalove (11/1/2012 12:34:53 PM)


This is a superb EDH general. Played right, he keeps opposing generals off the battlefield because they can't afford the climbing mana cost of their legend when they're losing 2 lands a turn. I've won so many end-game control mirrors this way. In this man's colors, you have access to countless wraths, bounces, and burns that it quickly becomes an epic duel to the death between Numot and whatever unfortunate legend they've mustered behind. It usually ain't pretty for them.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (2/11/2013 9:52:55 AM)


I made a deck centering around this guy once. It was called my 9/11 deck, lol. Ran this dude, and several other dragons and angels. Was pretty effective. This was before I had ever heard of EDH though. I plan to make an EDH deck centered around this guy. So bada**!

EDIT: So as a General, he took out my Slivers EDH deck. I ran lockdowns like Arrest and Faith's Fetters to shut down the Sliver Overlord who was the general of the Sliver deck. I also made his deck, centered around angels, and dragons. (plus other assorted, cheap costing flyers.) Lockdowns, counter spells, and damage spells, and ready to fly!
Posted By: Deadling (8/30/2013 4:27:00 AM)


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