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Community Rating: 3.830 / 5  (56 votes)
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Lord of the Pit with really creepy art. Seriously, look closely at the top of its open chect cavity; that isn't a heart.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/9/2009 5:59:30 PM)


Wow, this is one of the best demon arts ever, he just looks so incredibly vile and demonic, especially the eyes.
Posted By: Sironos (6/1/2010 2:32:06 PM)


A bonus to morph is you can swing with him at 7/7 without sacrificing a creature that turn. Even if you take the seven damage due to a lack of creatures, it puts the entire game on a clock.
Posted By: Elysiume (12/22/2009 12:40:46 PM)


Magnificent. Definitely my favorite variant. Fourth turn attacking 7/7 flying/trample without dropping a pair of dark rituals? Count me in. Also, just another reason reassembling skeleton is so awesome.
Posted By: KikiJikiTiki (8/9/2010 1:32:24 AM)


"Serve me and be eaten last, or fight me and be eaten first!"
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/5/2011 6:00:53 PM)


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! @Belz @ Darth. Classic..
Posted By: Mike-C (12/23/2011 5:03:37 PM)


i like the way it can be played on turn 4 with the morph ability, if i'm playing mono black, its way better then the lord because of that in my opinion, but the fact it can be bolted when it first comes out could be a big problem, as can the fact that on turn 4, the chanses of haveing enough creatures is slim considering you cant cast anything els on turn 3 or 4, thus you would only have 2-3 creatures unless you had 0 drops.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (12/30/2010 5:22:04 PM)


The low morph cost allows him to be played on turn 4 after having been morphed... without mana acceleration. This creature is vicious!

I play with four of him in an Elvish Piper deck with a bunch of other cheap-to-cast fatties and morph guys like Bane of the Living and Soul Collector. Your opponent never knows what surprise you have stored for him/her. It's like a Yu-gi-oh! game haha.
Posted By: nammertime (12/15/2009 7:30:09 PM)


um....this is NOT a crappy rip off of lord of the pit. first off if im not mistaken, lord of the pit was made AFTER this card. second lord of the pit gives you no choice in the matter of sacrificing a creature or taking 7 damage, liege of the pit actually does because if you read its last effect, it has morph. and what does morph do? it turns it into a face down, no effect creature. in other words attack with it on your turn, main phase 2, flip it down for 3 mana, after your next turn's upkeep, flip it up for 4, attack for another 7, pay another 3, flip it down, and the cycle continues with no downside on your field. so this card is actually waaaaay better, and yes that means paying 7 mana every turn, but for a flyting 7/7 with trample im game to pay it.
Posted By: psychokid121 (10/19/2010 5:12:28 PM)


wow, this is just a rip off of Lord of the Pit, it costs more, and if you haven't ben sucked dry of black mana yet, you can use the costly ability morph, and turn it into a 2/2, I don't see any way that this can be useful, and it still will do 7 damage to you, as if having to pay for it wasn't already hard enough to do with a converted mana cost of 8
Posted By: DarkMark3 (10/17/2010 3:21:55 PM)


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