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Great synergy with the mentioned cards.. but at the very least, it's a Grizzly Bear WITH TRAMPLE!!
Posted By: Coufu (4/22/2009 3:43:31 AM)


Invigorate is certainly useful with this card.
Skyshroud Cutter might also be if you need a "free" 2/2 body.

when adding white to the deck you can choose Swords to Plowshares or Condemn for removal.
Wall of Shards also does a good job and will over time make your kavus huge, which will be able to equalize the lifegain.

Reverent Silence or Seeds of Innocence can be used for the sideboard to destroy all enchantments or artifacts.

Roar of Jukai and Fiery Justice also synergize, yet they are less useful, as the first one requires use of arcane spells, the latter red mana - which could be drawn from Grove of the Burnwillows.

in case you want a black splash for the deck or even replace the Kavu, you could consider using False Cure insread.

btw, Ro... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (1/28/2009 11:02:12 AM)


This card is the Polar Opposite of Retaliator Griffin. Hear me out:

1) Efficient Body, Low Colorweight
2) Grows When Opponent's Life Swings Up
3) Easily Blocked, Unchumpable
4) Combos Off of Your Cards
5) White/Black Bane
6) Seems Bad, Turns Out to Be Great
7) Solid in Any Deck that Can Cast It
8) Discourages Defensive Strategies
9) 2 Power and 2 Toughness

1) Ineffecient Body, High Colorweight
2) Grows When Your Life Swings Down
3) Hard to Block, Chumptastic
4) Combos Off of Their Cards
5) Seems Great, Turns Out to be Bad
6) Only Good in Specially Tuned Decks
7) Discourages Offensive Strategies
8) 2 Toughness and 2 Power

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Odd Couple of Magic the Gathering!
Posted By: UsagiYojimbo (4/17/2012 9:33:48 PM)


That's not a fair card. I agree with Coufu. At the very least it's a grizzly bear with trample. And Kavu's are more tribal than bears. (Kavu Mauler) But splash in white and throw in a Wall of Shards and you have a scary combo!!
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/6/2009 4:57:12 PM)


I added Soul Fires , Commune with Nature, Elvish Spirit Guides, Simian Spirit Guides, and Lightning Greaves to my Kavu Preditor deck.In conjunction with the cards Reverent Silence, Skyshroud Cutter, Invigorate, and Grove of the Burnwillows in a five person Free For All match its potentially a turn one Double KO. I also have Talara's Batallion in mine because usually the green spell is an alternate casting cost one.
Posted By: Alicrast (6/10/2009 11:43:49 PM)


Heroes' Reunion makes this brutal on turn 3.
Posted By: occamsrazorwit (9/1/2012 9:29:02 PM)


Oust one of their creatures, then Needlebite Trap them, then swing with this.
Posted By: RunedServitor (2/5/2012 3:01:35 PM)


This is a great card to beat the kind of player your deck should be able to beat anyhow. Seriously, I like it!
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (1/17/2009 11:41:59 AM)


punishing fire's friend =D
Posted By: wolfbear2 (12/2/2009 8:30:11 PM)


This card is scary. this card is down right scary.
Posted By: Styny (3/11/2010 3:34:02 PM)


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