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Community Rating: 3.905 / 5  (37 votes)
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Mirri must have visited in the winter.

This card is very underrated for the late game or for effects that put creatures into play, like Warp World. I like it.
Posted By: PeabodyET (3/1/2012 12:29:39 PM)


This is an exquisite ability in green, as some have mentioned it is somewhat similar to the kicker ability. In reality it's actually quite a bit better, when you pay the kicker cost on a card, you do so when it is cast, with Llanowar Sentinel you pay the optional cost when it enters the battlefield, the difference? If you're playing against a blue mage, they would have to decide to counter the spell before you decided whether or not to pay for the effect, since the spell needs to resolve first. Also if you have lots of mana open, you can fetch more than one.

{2}{G} = 1 Llanowar Sentinel
{3}{G}{G} = 2 Llanowar Sentinel
{4}{G}{G}{G} = 3 Llanowar Sentinel
{5}{G}{G}{G}{G} = 4 Llanowar Sentinel
Posted By: tcollins (4/14/2012 7:58:08 AM)


The original is the card that convinced me to make an elf deck! So glad it got reprinted!
Posted By: LegoLeonidas (9/10/2012 7:46:19 PM)



People understand it's not the mechanically the same as multikicker. The point is that the result of the event is playing 2G for the creature then paying 1G any number of times to get more from your library. Which sort of plays out like multikicker.
Posted By: CogMonocle (8/19/2013 11:05:21 AM)


Big meh from me. If your not playing with combos, this is just an overpriced vanilla creature.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/29/2013 1:34:42 PM)


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