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Community Rating: 2.000 / 5  (41 votes)
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This is not a bad creature for a pure and plain control mono.blue deck. It as 3 thoughness, so is nearly as though as a wall, and he also has 1 power, so he can eleminate early threats and not die, because he has 3 thoughness. and that's really the point of a low cost creature in blue. Yes it's simple, but good.
Posted By: JoeyWalker (11/12/2011 4:37:33 PM)


I agree with salient that cards like this are great for beginners and getting people into the game and not confusing them with loads of abilities and rules. The old Horned Turtle is quite popular due to such introductory nostalgia.
Posted By: Polycotton (3/13/2013 3:29:40 AM)


This guy would be just fine in Limited. Blocks all of the early aggresors your opponent will toss at you.
Posted By: Earthdawn (4/5/2013 5:34:00 AM)


Interesting that there are no links to any other cards in the comments.
Posted By: tankthebest (4/8/2014 6:57:41 PM)


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