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Milling hardly does anything until it removes your last card. The opponent still has a random card off the top of his deck to draw; he still has cards in his hand to beat you with; he still has his threats on the table to win with. You've just exchanged one unknown quantity (his topdeck) with another one; nothing else has happened unless you've gotten extremely lucky, or his deck is extremely inconsistent. In fact, you've probably blown your fifth turn doing nothing -- your Traumatize is gone, and you haven't effected the battlefield in any way.

Unless you have some sort of instant-win mill combo, mill decks are much like bad and inefficient burn decks. They attack a certain value (the deck, rather than the life total), and interact very little with the opponent directly. But Mill decks don't have as effective spells for the job as the Lightning Bolt / Chain Lightning -type spells. You can also turn burn spells on creatures, which cannot be... (see all)
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/30/2011 3:03:26 PM)


@WaaMatt It's some guy named Dreads, according to the flavor text for the original Odyssey printing. He's probably a cabal member; cabal members have weird names like that (e.g. Braids, Cabal Minion). It looks like the same guy from Afflict, which depicts the Cabal Patriarch being displeased one of his minions.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (1/20/2014 5:13:33 AM)


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