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Community Rating: 4.586 / 5  (151 votes)
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The wording is appallingly convoluted, but once you figure out what it actually does, it's a real beast. And the flavor text is awesome. Cute little gobby tech ^^
Posted By: GradiustheFox (2/27/2010 7:24:42 PM)


Pretty amazing, acts as both a rapid-artifact deployer, and you can hose your opponent by swapping his Sharding Sphinx for his Ornithopter.

The card is also a goblin, so he gets the benefit of all of that combos for the clan.

While not perfect for every deck, he is devastating in any deck that is built with him as a component.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (2/8/2010 11:44:37 AM)


Card's simply amazing. the Oracle text, very badly worded. "sacrifices the artifact, then returns the artifact..." that just doesnt sound right.
Posted By: Ace_Rimmer (7/13/2009 6:17:08 AM)


*one turn later*
"I wrecked your ashtray, boss. But look! I made you a metal guy."
Posted By: Totema (4/12/2012 1:10:40 AM)


Trash for Treasure on legs for 2 less mana that can target opponents. wow... just... wow.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/15/2010 2:22:43 PM)


This was great fun in my old deck full of Modular creatures... when it wasn't zapped immediately.
Posted By: Anke_ (3/22/2009 2:45:04 AM)


How is this not a 5?

Still arguably the most powerful creature ever.
Posted By: Baconradar (8/13/2010 8:43:37 AM)


The flavor text never ceases to amuse me :)

Just felt like pointing out that the errata text can be misunderstood due to lack of clarification on the whereabouts of the artifacts.
"Choose target artifact a player controls and target artifact card in that player's graveyard. If both targets are still legal as this ability resolves, that player simultaneously sacrifices the artifact and returns the artifact card to the battlefield."
^Of course, you sacrifice the artifact that is currently on the battlefield and then returns the artifact that was in your graveyard as you chose targets for this ability, but the way it's written could lead some people to think that you'd just sacrifice the artifact on the battlefield and then return it to the battlefield again.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (10/29/2010 7:09:49 AM)


Good for decks that run around Tangle Wires and Smokestacks.
Posted By: ObsessedAddict (9/19/2009 3:23:40 PM)


Untap for nothing you say? Like through Thornbite Staff? Of course, that only works if the two artifacts you're switching are creatures, but still.
Posted By: InjuryMan (12/21/2009 2:31:09 AM)


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